
Bio Mat Body Temperature Test Results



A. Test Protocol – Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC), 60 minutes:

Person to be imaged (subject) dresses in normal undergarments and light cotton
pajamas or nightgown.
2. Turn on Bio Mat to maximum setting and wait 5 minutes for temperature of Bio
Mat to stabilize.
3. Subject lies on subject’s side, next to the Bio Mat, but not yet on it. Single fulllength thermal image is taken of subject from top of head to bottom of feet from
the back of the subject (image).
NOTE: Timing is important from the moment that the first image is taken, since
subject’s skin temperature measurements are grafted over a timescale.
4. Subject lies on back against mat after initial image is taken. (Time = 0 seconds)
5. Subject roles onto subject’s side and image is taken at 30 seconds.
Subject lies on back against mat immediately after image is taken.
6. Steps 5 and 6 are repeated at 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1800,
2400, 3000 and 3600 seconds.
7. After image is taken at 3600 seconds, subject stands up and Bio Mat is turned
8. Full-length images are repeated at 3630, 3660, 3690 and 3720 seconds.
9. Grafts will be produced showing temperatures at each time interval for the center
of the back of the head, upper-middle back, lower-middle back, buttocks, middle
back of thigh and middle back of calf.
10. All images will be retained as supporting data for the final report.

Bio Mat Skin Temperature Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC) Test Data

(1). Back of Head

Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 26.6℃
30 sec. 28.3℃
60 sec. 28.3℃
90 sec. 28.4℃
120 sec. 29.2℃
180 sec. 28.8℃
240 sec. 27.7℃
300 sec. 27.1℃
600 sec. 29.6℃
900 sec. 28.1℃
1200 sec. 29.4℃
1800 sec. 28.1℃
2400 sec. 27.9℃
3000 sec. 28.7℃
3600 sec. 29.0℃

(2). Upper Middle Back

Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 27.3℃
30 sec. 29.0℃
60 sec. 29.1℃
90 sec. 29.4℃
120 sec. 29.9℃
180 sec. 30.0℃
240 sec. 30.1℃
300 sec. 30.0℃
600 sec. 32.2℃
900 sec. 33.1℃
1200 sec. 34.7℃
1800 sec. 34.6℃
2400 sec. 34.3℃
3000 sec. 35.0℃
3600 sec. 34.9℃

After Turn off the Biomat

3630 sec 34.6℃
3660 sec. 34.1℃
3690 sec 33.7℃
3720 sec 33.0℃

(3). Lower Middle Back

Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 28.4℃
30 sec. 29.2℃
60 sec. 29.2℃
90 sec. 29.8℃
120 sec. 30.1℃
180 sec. 30.3℃
240 sec. 30.2℃
300 sec. 30.4℃
600 sec. 32.6℃
900 sec. 34.0℃
1200 sec. 35.2℃
1800 sec. 35.1℃
2400 sec. 36.4℃
3000 sec. 36.1℃
3600 sec. 36.4℃

After Turn off the Biomat

3630 sec 33.1℃
3660 sec. 33.5℃
3690 sec 34.0℃
3720 sec 33.9℃

(4). Buttocks

Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 26.4℃
30 sec. 28.0℃
60 sec. 28.9℃
90 sec. 28.7℃
120 sec. 27.9℃
180 sec. 28.4℃
240 sec. 27.9℃
300 sec. 28.5℃
600 sec. 31.6℃
900 sec. 31.6℃
1200 sec. 33.5℃
1800 sec. 34.5℃
2400 sec. 29.9℃
3000 sec. 32.9℃
3600 sec. 34.3℃

After Turn off the Biomat

3630 sec 30.5℃
3660 sec. 29.7℃
3690 sec 30.8℃
3720 sec 30.9℃

(5).. Middle Back of Thigh

Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 28.8℃
30 sec. 30.6℃
60 sec. 31.6℃
90 sec. 32.4℃
120 sec. 32.9℃
180 sec. 33.2℃
240 sec. 32.9℃
300 sec. 33.8℃
600 sec. 35.2℃
900 sec. 35.1℃
1200 sec. 35.1℃
1800 sec. 35.4℃
2400 sec. 34.6℃
3000 sec. 35.9℃
3600 sec. 35.1℃

After Turn off the Biomat

3630 sec 33.6℃
3660 sec. 33.5℃
3690 sec 33.3℃
3720 sec 33.4℃

(6). Middle Back of Calf

Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 28.8℃
30 sec. 31.1℃
60 sec. 32.3℃
90 sec. 33.0℃
120 sec. 32.6℃
180 sec. 32.9℃
240 sec. 33.1℃
300 sec. 33.7℃
600 sec. 35.3℃
900 sec. 35.6℃
1200 sec. 36.0℃
1800 sec. 35.4℃
2400 sec. 35.2℃
3000 sec. 35.8℃
3600 sec. 35.4℃

After Turn off the Biomat

3630 sec 33.0℃
3660 sec. 32.1℃
3690 sec 29.7℃
3720 sec 29.8℃

B. Test Protocol – Low setting (113ºF /45ºC), 8 hours:
1. Person to be imaged (subject) dresses in normal undergarments and light cotton
pajamas or nightgown.
2. Turn on Bio Mat to low setting (113ºF/45ºC) and wait 5 minutes for temperature
of Bio Mat to stabilize.
3. Subject lies on subject’s side, next to the Bio Mat, but not yet on it. Single fulllength thermal image is taken of subject from top of head to bottom of feet from
the back of the subject (image).
NOTE: Timing is important from the moment that the first image is taken, since
subject’s skin temperature measurements are grafted over a timescale.
4. Subject lies on back against mat after initial image is taken. (Time = 0 seconds)
5. Subject roles onto subject’s side and image are taken at 30 seconds.
6. Subject lies on back against mat immediately after image is taken.
7. Steps 5 and 6 are repeated at 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 900, 1800
seconds, 1 hr, 2 hr, 4 hr, 6 hr and 8 hr.
8. After image is taken at 3600 seconds, subject stands up and Bio Mat is turned
9. Grafts will be produced showing temperatures at each time interval for the center
of the back of the head, upper-middle back, lower-middle back, buttocks, middle
back of thigh and middle back of calf.
10. All images will be retained as supporting data for the final report.

Bio Mat Skin Temperature Maximum setting (158ºF/70ºC) Test Data

(1).Back of Head

Low Setting (113ºF /45ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 24.4℃
30 sec. 26.6℃
60 sec. 24.5℃
90 sec. 26.6℃
120 sec. 25.6℃
180 sec. 27.0℃
240 sec. 25.8℃
300 sec. 27.2℃
600 sec. 27.4℃
900 sec. 26.4℃
1800 sec. 28.4℃
1 hr. 27.6℃

After Turn off the Biomat

2 hr. 26.1℃
4 hr. 26.7℃
6 hr. 27.9℃
8 hr. 27.3℃

(2). Upper Middle Back

Low Setting (113ºF /45ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 27.0℃
30 sec. 28.0℃
60 sec. 28.2℃
90 sec. 28.9℃
120 sec. 28.4℃
180 sec. 28.8℃
240 sec. 27.8℃
300 sec. 28.6℃
600 sec. 30.9℃
900 sec. 32.3℃
1800 sec. 33.8℃
1 hr. 34.0℃

After Turn off the Biomat

2 hr. 33.9℃
4 hr. 33.8℃
6 hr. 34.5℃
8 hr. 34.7℃

(3). Lower Middle Back

Low Setting (113ºF /45ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 28.4℃
30 sec. 28.8℃
60 sec. 28.5℃
90 sec. 28.7℃
120 sec. 28.7℃
180 sec. 28.9℃
240 sec. 28.7℃
300 sec. 29.1℃
600 sec. 30.5℃
900 sec. 32.1℃
1800 sec. 34.3℃
1 hr. 35.2℃

After Turn off the Biomat

2 hr. 34.4℃
4 hr. 34.8℃
6 hr. 35.3℃
8 hr. 36.1℃

(4). Buttocks

Low Setting (113ºF /45ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 24.5℃
30 sec. 26.5℃
60 sec. 26.5℃
90 sec. 27.9℃
120 sec. 27.0℃
180 sec. 27.1℃
240 sec. 27.3℃
300 sec. 27.7℃
600 sec. 29.5℃
900 sec. 30.8℃
1800 sec. 32.8℃
1 hr. 32.6℃

After Turn off the Biomat

2 hr. 32.0℃
4 hr. 32.0℃
6 hr. 33.2℃
8 hr. 34.1℃

(5). Middle Back of Thigh

Low Setting (113ºF /45ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 27.7℃
30 sec. 30.2℃
60 sec. 29.8℃
90 sec. 30.7℃
120 sec. 30.1℃
180 sec. 30.2℃
240 sec. 30.1℃
300 sec. 31.2℃
600 sec. 32.2℃
900 sec. 32.1℃
1800 sec. 34.1℃
1 hr. 34.5℃

After Turn off the Biomat

2 hr. 33.6℃
4 hr. 34.4℃
6 hr. 35.7℃
8 hr. 35.3℃

(6). Middle Back of Calf

Low Setting (113ºF /45ºC)

Time Temperature
0 sec. 27.3℃
30 sec. 30.6℃
60 sec. 29.2℃
90 sec. 30.6℃
120 sec. 29.7℃
180 sec. 29.5℃
240 sec. 29.4℃
300 sec. 30.7℃
600 sec. 32.5℃
900 sec. 32.6℃
1800 sec. 34.3℃
1 hr. 34.2℃

After Turn off the Biomat

2 hr. 33.9℃
4 hr. 34.0℃
6 hr. 34.8℃
8 hr. 34.9℃

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