Biomat Benefits For Your Health
Curious about the Biomat Benefits for your health? As a medical device, the FDA has approved the following statements for the Amethyst Biomat:
- The temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain stiffness;
- The temporary relief of joint pain associated with arthritis;
- The temporary relief of muscle spasms;
- Minor sprains and strains, and minor muscular pain;
- The relaxation of muscles;
- And the temporary increase of local circulation where applied.
Arthritis and the Biomat Benefits
The Biomat is a safe, alternative treatment approved by the FDA for arthritis pain relief. It delivers warm infrared heat to the affected areas, penetrating into areas that are difficult to reach with creams or patches. Amethyst biomat therapy effectively reduces the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, and deeply relaxes the body and increases mobility.
The warmth of the Biomat also increases blood circulation. This boost in blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to injury sites, reducing inflammation and promoting the body’s natural healing process. This is only one of many BioMat Benefits to your health.
Health Benefits of Far Infrared Technology & Biomat Treatments
Increases circulation
Improves Immune Functions
Relieves Pain
Burns Calories
Eases Joint Pain and Stiffness
Far Infrared heat therapy is widely used to treat patients suffering from many kinds of arthritis and musculo-skeletal diss. In addition, amethyst biomat therapy has been proven effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, and many other musculo-skeletal ailments. Stiffness, aches, and soreness that come with aging can be reduced or eliminated by using Far Infrared heat therapy (FIR).
Reduces Stress and Fatigue
Improves Skin
Assists in elimination
Health Benefits of Direct Conduction Negative Ions
The Truth about “Negative Ions”
Blood Alkalization and Blood Purification
Reviving the Cell
Blood Alkalization and Blood Purification
To read more research about these technologies and the Biomat Benefits and treatments, click here.