

Do you need financing for our products?

Our company strongly believes in making our products accessible to our customers.  So we have partnered with Paypal Credit to extend flexible financing options to our customers. With Paypal Credit, you can choose from a range of financing plans and make easy monthly payments.  

 You will pay no setup fee, no down payment, no interest. Shipping is free and included for US and Canada customers.

You will pay nothing today, and get your order shipped right away like a regular order. You will then make monthly payments to PayPal at 0% interest if you pay within the time frame they give, usually 6-24 months. If you need more time, PayPal will charge a fee, but if you complete the payment within their promotional period,  you pay no interest. 

Since financing is provided by PayPal Credit, you must have a PayPal account to qualify and credit is subject to approval. We are happy to cover the added cost of providing financing to you for our products but if you cancel your order after checking out with Paypal Credit or return the product, you will be refunded minus the Paypal fees.  Shipping to you is free, but if you return the product, you will be refunded minus the shipping costs to you. 

If you buy it with a credit card instead, you will be able to get a refund for returns according to the regular returns policy.

Here are the steps:

1. First you need a Paypal account. If you don’t have one, Apply for Paypal Credit and they will create a Paypal account for you in the process. If you already have a Paypal account, you still need to Apply for Paypal Credit. If you already have Paypal Credit, then just make sure you select Paypal Credit as the payment option during checkout so it splits up your payments instead of paying the order total all at once.
2. Once you are set up with Paypal Credit within your Paypal account, select the product you want to purchase with financing below and hit the purple button “Finance Order”. This takes you the financing checkout page.
3. When you checkout, select the gray Paypal button, and when the Paypal window pops up, make sure you select Paypal Credit as the payment option. Please make sure your billing and shipping address are current with Paypal.
4. When it redirects you back to the checkout page on Biomathealth.com, hit the PLACE ORDER button. You will receive an email confirmation of your order.
See complete details about Paypal Credit.
Purchase your Product with Financing Now!
clean biomat
BioMat Mini

Biomat Mini:  $780

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal:  $780


Biobelt Financing

Biobelt:  $600

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal:  $600


Alkal Life Water Ionization System Financing
Alkal-Life Water Ionization System

Alkal-Life 7000SL: $2500

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal:  $2,500


biomat in a professional office
Biomat Professional + Pillow + Quantum Energy Pad

Biomat Professional: $1950

Quantum Energy Pad:  $480

Pillow:  $380

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal:  $2810


Biomat Pro + Pillow Set

Biomat Professional = $1950

Amethyst Tourmaline Pillow = $380

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal: $2330


Professional Biomat

Biomat Professional:  $1950

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal: $1950


biomat in a professional office
Biomat Professional + Quantum Energy Pad

Biomat Professional = $1950

Quantum Energy Pad (Professional Size) = $480

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal: $2430


Professional Biomat (With Health Professional/ Military/ First Responder Discount)

Biomat Professional with Special Discount:  $1850

Please email proof of health professional certificate, license, veteran or active duty, or first responder status to [email protected] to qualify for discount.
Customers must provide documentation, and we recommend emailing it to us first to verify that you qualify for the discount.
If you submit for financing and can not provide the documentation, your order will be cancelled and you will be refunded minus the Paypal fee. 
Details about the discount: https://biomathealth.com/discounts/

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal: $1850


BioMat Mini + Discount Biomat Professional

Biomat Mini:  $780

Biomat Professional with Discount: $1850

Please email proof of health professional certificate, license, veteran or active duty, or first responder status to [email protected] to qualify for discount.
Customers must provide documentation, and we recommend emailing it to us first to verify that you qualify for the discount.
If you submit for financing and can not provide the documentation, your order will be cancelled and you will be refunded minus the Paypal fee. 
Details about the discount: https://biomathealth.com/discounts/

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Total charged at checkout with PayPal:  $2630




biomat pro pillow quantum pad set
Biomat Pro + Pillow + Quantum Energy Pad Set (With Health Professional/ Veteran Discount)

Biomat Professional = $1850 (please provide documentation or we will not be able to process the order)

Amethyst Tourmaline Pillow = $380

Quantum Energy Pad = $480

Free Shipping to US/Canada!

Please email proof of health professional certificate, license, veteran or active duty, or first responder status to [email protected] to qualify for discount.
Customers must provide documentation, and we recommend emailing it to us first to verify that you qualify for the discount.
If you submit for financing and can not provide the documentation, your order will be cancelled and you will be refunded minus the Paypal fee. 
Details about the discount: https://biomathealth.com/discounts/

Total charged at checkout with PayPal: $2710



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